Sunday, April 19, 2009

What do I do if my wife won't do her fair share of housework?

She claims she does because she is always busy. Well I don%26#039;t consider getting manicures, shopping for shoes, going to lunch with her friends, and shopping for house decorations as work, but she does. She is not working now and I think she should be doing 100% of the housework.

What do I do if my wife won%26#039;t do her fair share of housework?
Sit down and talk to her. Split up all the choirs and give her half of them to do.
Reply:start off by not doing your part. if she dont catch on get barn animals and let them frollick through your home. then maybe she will start to do her share.
Reply:Hey guy,

We learned a new term here it is called CHOREPLAY. go to and make this a part of your life.
Reply:u need to sit down with ur wife and talk because she should do all the housework if she isnt working out of the house. it takes two. or you could always take her credit cards until she cleans the house.
Reply:i wouldn%26#039;t say because she%26#039;s not working she should do 100% of the housework, but the main majority of it Most Definately.

I would let her know how you feel, that her galavanting around town with friends, shopping , spending money that she doesn%26#039;t have right now because she%26#039;s not helping contribute to any of the bills not right... It takes 2 ppl working, to make ends meet these days. Let her know that you can%26#039;t keep working to make ends meet and do the housework etc while she is out enjoying herself.

Communication, Trust, Honesty and Respect are the keys to a long healthy relationship.

You both should be able to express openly and honestly, to the other person how you%26#039;re feeling and try to resolve together, that will work for trusting the other person is Listening to you and Respecting what you%26#039;re saying and vice versa~

Let her know that you need her many different aspects in your life together~!*

You%26#039;re a Team* Work together as one to get to your goals :) Perhaps it%26#039;s planning a trip for the two of you in the summer...saving the money to enjoy something together would be far more beneficial than spending it on having her nails done or house decorations, etc....:) GoodLuck*

make a nice meal and sit and talk with your wife* calmly openly and honestly*
Reply:I will tell you the same thing I tell women whose husbands don%26#039;t do their fair share.

Tell her to get off her a*s and help. If she isn%26#039;t working, I think she should be MOSTLY responsible for the household chores. If one isn%26#039;t bringing money into the house, they should contribute somehow.
Reply:Introduce her to Flylady. It is a website and gives you email reminders. It really is fun, and once you catch on, you are addicted for years! Truly life changing!!
Reply:I%26#039;ve been there brother. I agree with you 100%. It%26#039;s about contribution. If you are earning 100% of the household income, then she should take care of the household duties. If she was killing herself trying to keep up and still couldn%26#039;t get it all done, then you would need to step up big guy as a loving husband and help her out. If she%26#039;s slacking, then it%26#039;s on her.

If things were the other way around, it would be your responsibility to do the housework too. It%26#039;s about contribution and it can be damaging to your marriage if you let it slide. I%26#039;m speaking from experience.

Good luck!
Reply:Divorce the lazy witch. She probably wants you to and in her own little passive agressive way, she is showing you how little respect she has for you.

Get yourself a maid, it will cost less and you can boss her around to your heart%26#039;s content.
Reply:Sounds like nobody cares what you think. Best get in there and get those dishes done, boy. And quit whining.
Reply:I know how you a lazy one myself. Here is what you can do. Cut out her spending money and get a cleaning person to clean your house. Use the money your wife would normally use for shopping fun and pay the cleaner with it. She doesn%26#039;t have to do 100% of the cleaning but maybe 40 hrs a week. Good luck
Reply:She should not do 100% of the housework. You can help her out too.
Reply:Welcome to married life. Wouldn%26#039;t it be nice to see if you could get a refund?

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